Monday, December 28, 2015

New book - The Call to Lead

Title: The Call to Lead: Following Jesus and Living Out Your Mission
Authors: Bill Hybels, John Ortberg, Dan Allender
Call number: 262 HYB

Modern business practice and scholarship have honed the laws of the leadership. To achieve success, you're supposed to — among other things — leverage your time, choose a strong team, and avoid unnecessary controversy.

But what do you do when the laws of leadership collide with the teachings of Christ? What would it mean to reveal your true character to those you lead? What would it take for you to take an honest look at yourself and ask, “Am I leading from my mission … or my shadow mission?”

Using stories from their own lives and ministries, Bill Hybels, John Ortberg, and Dan Allender illustrate how the laws of leadership sometimes crash head-on into the demands of discipleship, and how the decisions you make at these crossroads could affect not only you, but the destiny of those you lead.

The Call to Lead includes the previous releases from the Leadership Library series: When Leadership and Discipleship Collide, by Bill Hybels, Overcoming Your Shadow Mission, by John Ortberg, and Leading Character from Dan Allender.

Friday, December 18, 2015

New book - Facing Your Giants

Title: Facing Your Giants
Author: Max Lucado
Call number: 201 LUC

You know your Goliath. You recognize his walk, the thunder of his voice.

He taunts you with bills you can't pay, people you can't please, habits you can't break, failures you can't forget, and a future you can't face. But just like David, you can face your giant, even if you aren't the strongest, the smartest, the best equipped, of the holiest.

David. You could read his story and wonder what God saw in him. His life has little to offer the unstained, straight-A saint. He fell as often as he stood, stumbled as often as he conquered. But for those who know the sound of Goliath, David gives this reminder:

Focus on giants -- you stumble; focus on God -- your giants tumble.

If you're ready to face your giants, let his story inspire you. The same God who helped him will help you.

Monday, December 14, 2015

New book - Grace: More Than We Deserve, Greater Than We Imagine

Title: Grace: More Than We Deserve, Greater Than We Imagine
Author: Max Lucado
Call number: 201 LUC


We talk as though we understand the term. The bank gives us a "grace" period. The seedy politician falls from "grace." Musicians speak of a "grace" note. We describe an actress as "gracious," a dancer as "graceful." We use the word for hospitals, baby girls, kings, and premeal prayers. We talk as though we know what "grace" means.

But bestselling author Max Lucado says we've settled for a wimpy grace, a goldfish grace that sits in a bowl on the shelf and never causes trouble or demands a response.

Lucado's bestselling book reminds readers that there's more to grace than we've ever imagined. In this cornerstone message of Lucado's ministry, he challenges readers to not only receive grace but also to be changed by grace. Shaped by grace. Strengthened by grace. Emboldened by grace. Softened by grace. Snatched by the nape of their neck and shaken to their senses by grace.

Friday, December 11, 2015

New book - Next Door Savior

Title: Next Door Savior
Author: Max Lucado
Call number: 132 LUC

We applaud men for doing good things.

We enshrine God for doing great things.

But what about a man who does God things?

One thing is certain. We can't ignore him. If these moments are factual, if the claim of Christ is actual, then he was, at once, man and God.

The single most significant person who ever lived. Forget MVP. He is the entire league. The head of the parade? Hardly. No one else shares the street. Who comes close? Humanity's best and brightest fade like dime-store rubies next to him.

Dismiss him? We can't. Resist him? Equally difficult. Why would we want to?

Don't we need a God-man Savior? A just-God Jesus could make us, but not understand us. A just-man Jesus could love us, but never save us. But a God-man Jesus?

Near enough to touch. Strong enough to trust. A next door Savior.

Monday, December 7, 2015

New book - 3:16

Title: 3:16: The Numbers of Hope
Author: Max Lucado
Call number: 201 LUC

A twenty-six word parade of hope: beginning with God, ending with life, and urging us to do the same. Brief enough to write on a napkin or memorize in a moment, yet solid enough to weather two thousand years of storms and questions. If you know nothing of the Bible, start here. If you know everything in the Bible, return here. We all need the reminder. The heart of the human problem is the heart of the human. And God's treatment is prescribed in John 3:16:

For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son that whosoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.

He loves. He gave. We believe. We live.

Friday, December 4, 2015

New book - When God Whispers Your Name

Title: When God Whispers Your Name
Author: Max Lucado
Call number: 201 LUC

Are you ready to hope again? Are you ready to let go of doubt and sorrow? Just listen carefully. God is whispering your name.

Somewhere, between the pages of this book and the pages of your heart, God is speaking. And He is calling you by name.

Maybe that's hard to believe. Maybe you just can't imagine that the One who made it all thinks of you that personally -- that He keeps your name on His heart and lips.

But it's true. In the Bible and in the circumstances of your life, He whispers your name lovingly. Tenderly. Patiently but persistently. Let these stories remind you of the God who knows your name.

Some of the stories are from the Bible. Some are drawn from everyday life. Most are about people who are lost ... or weary ... or discouraged -- just like you may be. If you let them, they will tell the story of your life. And the story of a God who speaks into your situation.

So listen closely as you turn these pages. Listen for the Father's gentle whisper that can erase your doubt, your sorrow, your weariness, your despair.

It really is your name that you hear, and the Voice that calls is more loving that your ever dared dream. Listen. And learn to hope again.

Monday, November 30, 2015

New book - Fearless

Title: Fearless
Author: Max Lucado
Call number: 201 LUC

They're talking layoffs at work, slowdowns in the economy, flare-ups in the Middle East, turnovers at headquarters, downturns in the housing market, upswings in global warming. The plague of our day, terrorism, begins with the word terror. Fear, it seems, has taken up a hundred-year lease on the building next door and set up shop. Oversized and rude, fear herds us into a prison of unlocked doors. Wouldn't it be great to walk out?

Imagine your life, wholly untouched by angst. What if faith, not fear, was your default reaction to threats? If you could hover a fear magnet over your heart and extract every last shaving of dread, insecurity, or doubt, what would remain? Envision a day, just one day, where you could trust more and fear less.

Can you imagine your life without fear?

Friday, November 27, 2015

New book - He Chose the Nails

Title: He Chose the Nails: What God Did To Win Your Heart
Author: Max Lucado
Call number: 201 LUC

Linger on the hill of Calvary.

Rub a finger on the timber and press the nail into your hand.

Taste the tinge of cheap wine and feel the scrape of a thorn on your brow.

Touch the velvet dirt, moist with the blood of God.

Allow the tools of torture to tell their story.

Listen as they tell you what God did to win your heart.

Monday, November 23, 2015

New book - In the Grip of Grace

Title: In the Grip of Grace
Author: Max Lucado
Call number: 201 LUC

Get caught!

Life is full of fumbles and stumbles. Fraught with opportunities to make mistakes, occasions to feel guilty, and the drive to "do it yourself." The pressure to be self-sufficient is high, but it isn't the life God offers.

The way of the world will direct you to try harder and work smarter so that you can take care of yourself and even make yourself successful. But the way of the cross will point toward the place where you stop striving ... stop pushing ... stop every self-initiated effort -- so that you can fall into the boundless, liberating, refreshing grace of God!

Just imagine being love-driven instead of self-propelled. Imagine abandoning your life to Jesus instead of trying to save yourself. Can you imagine exchanging your fears for that peace that passes understanding? Being relaxed and free instead of stressed-out and anxious? If you can imagine enjoying God instead of trying to repay him, then you can imagine grace.

So go ahead! Jump off the cliff of self-sufficiency. Leap out of legalism. Walk off the pier of guilt and condemnation. That's the only way you'll land in the strong arms of the Father who loves you ... the Father who catches you -- every time -- in the grip of his grace.

Friday, November 20, 2015

KK Focus article: Books to Enrich the Mind and Nourish the Spirit

This article first appeared in KK Focus (September - November 2015). 
Reproduced with permission.

Leong Kok Thye

Parents in Singapore tend to give unbalanced emphasis to intellectual capability. Academic excellence alone is not the panacea for a rich and fulfilling life. The Bible emphasizes wisdom rather than intellectual capability, “How much better to get wisdom than gold, to chose understanding rather than silver (Prov.16:16). “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and knowledge of the Holy One is understanding” (Pro. 9:10). In my years as a volunteer pastoral care facilitator in ACS (Primary) and ACS (Barker), one fact we are always conscious of is that if we enrich the mind without nourishing the spirit, all we reap is a harvest of clever crooks.

Books that can shape the attitudes and character of children are freely available today. Some books merely entertain while others are harmful to unsuspecting minds. Besides books, there is also the problem of undesirable materials available in compact discs and on the internet. Censorship is not always effective. It can in fact arouse curiosity and temptation. A better approach is to encourage reading books that enrich the mind and nourish the spirit.

It is never too young to foster good reading habits in children. A good way to begin is to expose them to good books. You may need to read with them initially, but it is time well spent. Books can instill a spirit of adventure and expose children to possibilities they never dreamed possible. The excitement of discovery can create a thirst for knowledge. Discussion of knowledge gained from books can open opportunities for meaningful family bonding.

KKMC has an excellent library. So after your Sunday morning snack at the Joy Stall, take a walk with the kids to the library at the second level. Encourage them to browse through the books on the shelves and select one that you can read with them over the week. Our librarian Tze Hern and his team who are doing an excellent job will be glad to help you. The details of the library are as follows.

Membership Type
One-Time Membership Fees
Borrowing allowance  
2 books/ 3weeks
2 items/ 2weeks

Give your children a solid foundation in their character formation. Encourage them to read good Christian books. 

Monday, November 16, 2015

New book - A Living Sacrifice

Title: A Living Sacrifice: Discovering God's rest amidst the stresses of life
Author: Anthony Yeo
Call number: 201 YEO

We often interpret Paul’s exhortation in the Bible that we should offer up our bodies as a living sacrifice to mean that we need to give of our time and energies in God’s service. Anthony Yeo points out, in his inimitably forthright way, that our physical bodies are also part and parcel of this act of spiritual worship. And, just as the priests of old aggrieved God by the sacrifice of crippled and lame animals, are we doing the same by offering bodies that are wearied, exhausted and burnt out? Drawing from very real examples in his own spiritual journey, Anthony provides practical steps to help us discover God’s rest in the midst of the stresses of our lives.

Sunday, November 15, 2015

New book - Discerning the Will of God

Title: Discerning the Will of God: Biblical Keys to Divine Guidance
Author: Benny Ho
Call number: 208 HOB

In an intoxicating world inundated with so many choices in life, there is a real need for Christians to discern and know the will of God for our lives. Divine guidance is necessary. In this book, author Benny Ho demystifies the concept of God’s call and presents a simple framework through which we can view God’s will. He also unveils eight keys that will help us to discern the will of God in a particular matter. Some common pitfalls to avoid are also addressed so that we can soar on the wings of God’s divine guidance, experiencing faith and trust as we follow God’s leading step by step.

Monday, November 9, 2015

New book - The Beatitudes

Title: The Beatitudes: Keys to Contemporary Discipleship
Author: Benny Ho
Call number: 108.1 HOB

The Beatitudes examines God’s formula for happiness in the Kingdom of God. It provides keys to discipleship in the modern world so that we can be world-changers, history-makers and planet-shakers. This book portrays the Christian as culturally counter to the common man in the world, and who live in a Spirit-filled community under the reign of King Jesus.

Stories are used as illustrations to help us appreciate and live out the Beatitudes. The stories prepare our hearts and minds to respond to fears and self-centredness, grief, managing power under control, holy dissatisfaction, offences, strife and persecutions. Through the power of the Holy Spirit, we can do the will of God as encapsulated by the Beatitudes.

Friday, November 6, 2015

New book - Managing Money God's Way

Title: Managing Money God's Way
Author: Benny Ho
Call number: 201 HOB

In this book, Benny Ho gives a balanced and biblical view of money to steer the Church away from a scarcity mentality towards one of abundance. Insightful yet practical, Managing Money God’s Way examines the age-old concept of stewardship; celebrates the delight of giving; grapples with the monster of greed; and recalls the discipline of simplicity. It also expounds on the blessing of tithing and enlightens on the ills of gambling. As you rejoice over your wonderful inheritance in Christ and enter into abundance, there is a challenge for you — be a blessing! This life-transforming book will:
  • Offer you sound and godly advice on how to handle your finances.
  • Advise you on how to be a faithful steward of your money.
  • Challenge you to view money as a means to abundant living and a tool to serve God’s purposes.

Monday, November 2, 2015

New book - Praise and Worship Study Bible

Title: Praise and Worship Study Bible
Publisher: Tyndale House Publishers
Call number: R104 TYN

The Praise and Worship Study Bible contains many useful features that will help Christians worship and praise God. It will help guide readers on a journey to discover a deeper and more meaningful relationship with God. Ideal for anyone that would like to experience Scripture with a focus on worship, joyful praise, and meditative prayer.

Special Features:
  • New Living Translation text
  • Worship Notes highlight specific Scripture verses that describe the many characteristics of God.
  • Worship Profiles give examples of how people in Bible times praised and worshiped God.
  • Book Introductions explain what each book says about worship.
  • Praise Passages are special verses that relate to worship. They are called out and highlighted within the Bible text.
  • Symbols of Worship explain the significance of traditional symbols from the Bible and Christianity.
  • Prayers of the Church are traditional prayers that will lead readers to call upon God.
  • Hymn and Praise Song Devotionals feature hymns and contemporary praise songs within the text.

Friday, October 30, 2015

New book - How to Ruin Your Child in 7 Easy Steps

Title: How to Ruin Your Child in 7 Easy Steps: A Biblical Parenting Guide for the Rest of Us
Authors: Patrick Quinn and Ken Roach
Call number: 249.2 QUI

In a world where parenting advice shifts faster than fashion trends, this “how not-to parent” resource takes a fresh look at how the Seven Deadly Sins are the root of most modern parenting problems.

Through humorous stories and practical biblical wisdom, Patrick Quinn and Ken Roach show how well-meaning parents can ruin their children’s lives in seven easy steps (wrath, greed, envy, lust, sloth, gluttony, and pride). Quinn and Roach then offer a fresh counter-approach—laying a seven-fold foundation for lasting significance so parents can help rescue their children’s heart ... and future.

Monday, October 26, 2015

New book - Who Made God?: And Answers to Over 100 Other Tough Questions of Faith

Title: Who Made God?: And Answers to Over 100 Other Tough Questions of Faith
Editors: Ravi Zacharias and Norman L. Geisler
Call number: 137 ZAC

In the quest for the truth, you need to know what you believe and why you believe it. Who Made God? offers accessible answers to over 100 commonly asked apologetic questions. Bringing together the best in evangelical apologists, this guide is standard equipment for Christians who want to understand and talk about their faith intelligently. Part one answers tough questions about the Christian faith such as: Who made God? How can there be three persons in one God? What is God s ultimate purpose in allowing evil? Where did the universe come from? How long are the days of creation in Genesis? Did Jesus rise from the dead? Are the records of Jesus life reliable? Does the Bible have errors in it? Part two answers tough questions about other faiths, including Islam, Mormonism, Hinduism, Transcendental Meditation, Yoga, Reincarnation, Buddhism, and Black Islam. Relevant stories, questions for reflection and discussion, and a comprehensive list of suggested resources help you dig deeper so you can be prepared to give careful answers that explain the reasons for your faith."

Friday, October 23, 2015

New book - Jesus Among Other Gods

Title: Jesus Among Other Gods: The Absolute Claims of the Christian Message
Author: Ravi Zacharias
Call number: 138 ZAC

We are living in a time when you can believe anything, as long as you do not claim it to be true. In the name of “tolerance,” our postmodern culture embraces everything from Eastern mysticism to New Age spirituality. But as Ravi Zacharias points out, such unquestioning acceptance of all things spiritual is absurd. All religions, plainly and simply, cannot be true.

Jesus Among Other Gods provides the answers to the most fundamental claims about Christianity, such as:

  • Aren’t all religions fundamentally the same?
  • Was Jesus who He claimed to be?
  • Can one study the life of Christ and demonstrate conclusively that He was and is the way, the truth, and the life?

In each chapter, Zacharias considers a unique claim that Jesus made and then contrasts the truth of Jesus with the founders of Islam, Hinduism, and Buddhism with compelling insight and passionate conviction. In addition to an impressive breadth of reading and study, he shares his personal journey from despair and meaninglessness to his discovery that Jesus is who He said He is.

Monday, October 19, 2015

New book - The Real Face of Atheism

Title: The Real Face of Atheism
Author: Ravi Zacharias
Call number: 138 ZAC

Atheism is a world without God. Its true nature—whether disguised in Eastern mysticism or American cynicism—is despair. In this thought-provoking and witty book, Ravi Zacharias provides Christians a clear apologetic for their faith.

Formerly published as A Shattered Visage, The Real Face of Atheism systematically examines atheistic positions on human nature, the meaning of life, morality, the "First Cause," death, and more. With a new introduction and revisions throughout, The Real Face of Atheism is the perfect text for pastors, students, and thinking laypeople who want to improve their apologetic skill and reach out to non-believers.

Friday, October 16, 2015

New book - God's Double Agent

Title: God's Double Agent: The True Story of a Chinese Christian's Fight for Freedom
Author: Bob Fu
Call number: 267.1 FUB

Tens of millions of Christians live in China today, leading double lives to hide from a government that relentlessly persecutes them.

By day, Bob Fu was a teacher in a communist school; by night, he was a preacher in an underground house church network. This edge-of-your-seat book tells the true story of Fu's conversion to Christianity, his arrest and imprisonment for starting an illegal house church, his harrowing escape, and his subsequent rise to prominence in the United States as an advocate for his oppressed brethren.

God's Double Agent will inspire you to boldly proclaim and live out your faith in a world that is at times indifferent, and at other times murderously hostile, to those who spread the gospel.

Monday, October 12, 2015

New book - Renovation Of The Heart

Title: Renovation Of The Heart: Putting On The Character Of Christ
Author: Dallas Willard
Call number: 201 WIL

Renovation of the Heart is a realistic guide to discipleship and the real challenges of Christian formation that helps to answer that inquiry. It lays a foundation for understanding the ruin and restoration of humanity, by discussing human nature and its components, how they operate, and how they are renewed. It describes common misunderstandings about our human nature, and the discipleship process. Most importantly, it outlines the general pattern of personal transformation-not as a formula, but as a systematic process that we have the responsibility to undertake as intentional apprentices of Jesus. Only then will our transformation be accomplished, through interaction with the grace of God in Christ, the presence of the Holy Spirit, and spiritual treasures stored in the body of Christ.

Friday, October 9, 2015

New book - The Five Love Languages

Title: The Five Love Languages: How to Express Heartfelt Commitment to Your Mate
Author: Gary Chapman
Call number: 249.4 CHA

Are you and your spouse speaking the same language? While love is a many-splendored thing, it is sometimes a very confusing thing, too. And as people come in all varieties, shapes, and sizes, so do their choices of personal expressions of love. More often than not, the giver and the receiver each express love in different ways. That can lead to misunderstanding, quarrels, and even divorce. Quality time, words of affirmation, gifts, acts of service, and physical touch are the five basic love languages.

Dr. Gary Chapman identifies these five basic love languages and then guides couples toward a better understanding of how each of them uses these love languages. Learn to speak and understand your mate's love language, and in no time you will be able to effectively love and truly feel loved in return. Skillful communication is within your grasp!

Monday, October 5, 2015

New book on the story of the Charismatic movement in Singapore

Title: Unfolding His Story: The Story of the Charismatic Movement in Singapore
Author: Georgie Lee and Galven Lee
Call number: 260.1 LEE

Something big happened 40 years ago. Teenagers broke out into ‘tongues’ in school. Historic institutions like St Andrew’s Cathedral and Wesley Methodist Church turned into chaotic places of Charismatic worship. Prayer and Bible study groups sprouted up along Shenton Way. People congregated in homes to experience more of the presence and power of God.

The Charismatic Movement changed the face of Singaporean Protestant Christianity. A Charismatic Christian community was formed. Channels of spiritual Revival were opened as crowds packed schools, homes, churches, stadiums and conference halls. Christianity became relevant to the citizens of a new nation, caught amid sweeping societal changes that were constantly forcing the Church to play ‘catch-up’.

Consonant with Singaporean aspirations for significance, success and unstinting progress, Charismatic Christianity revealed the tangible dynamism of a God who was constantly working in the personal and professional lives of His children. Believers were drawn to the compelling promise of lives miraculously transformed by the Holy Spirit, and a God who was moving Singapore towards her destiny as the ‘Antioch of Asia’.

Unfolding His Story is the first attempt to document the Charismatic Movement in Singapore in its entirety. God is still unfolding His Story here. He moved mightily. He shaped the present state of our nation. He can and will move again.

Friday, October 2, 2015

New book - Nurturing the Leader Within Your Child

Title: Nurturing the Leader Within Your Child: What Every Parent Needs To Know
Author: Tim Elmore
Call number: 249.2 ELM

How do I bring out the best in my child? What can I do to help my children reach their full potential? Why is it important to enocurage leadership in my child? Dr. Tim Elmore, answers these questions and others in "Nurturing the Leader Within Your Child." Using a survey of over 3,000 students, he enters the minds of today's youth to understand their desire to affect their world, their way.

Beginning with a foreword by John C. Maxwell, the book is in four unique sections (What You Need to Know, What They Need to Know, When to Seize the Moment, How to Pass it On). Dr. Elmore gives practical tools for bridging the generation gap to foster character and growth in your children. Offering a list of fundamental qualities every leader must possess, Dr. Elmore helps parents and youth workers recognize teachable moments and equips them to structure an individual mentoring plan for each child. Finally, he offers evaluation methods for recognizing progress.

Monday, September 28, 2015

New book - The Grand Weaver

Title: The Grand Weaver: How God Shapes Us Through the Events of Our Lives
Author: Ravi Zacharias
Call number: 201 ZAC

How differently would we live if we believed that every dimension of our lives from the happy to the tragic to the mundane were part of a beautiful and purposeful design in which no thread were wrongly woven? That s what best-selling author and internationally-known apologist, Ravi Zacharias, explores in The Grand Weaver. As Christians, we believe that great events such as a death or a birth are guided by the hand of God. Yet we drift into feeling that our daily lives are the product of our own efforts. This book brims with penetrating stories and insights that show us otherwise. From a chance encounter in a ticket line to a beloved father s final word before dying, from a random phone call to a line in a Scripture reading, every detail of life is woven into its perfect place. In The Grand Weaver, Dr. Zacharias examines our backgrounds, our disappointments, our triumphs, and our beliefs, and explains how they are all part of the intentional and perfect work of the Grand Weaver.

Friday, September 25, 2015

New book - I, Isaac Take Thee, Rebekah

Title: I, Isaac, Take Thee, Rebekah: Moving from Romance to Lasting Love
Author: Ravi Zacharias
Call number: 249.4 ZAC

In the twenty-fourth chapter of Genesis a beautiful young woman offers assistance to a weary traveler and his camels, and out of that simple action, a marriage results - a marriage that offers profound lessons to couples today. Bible scholar and renowned speaker Ravi Zacharias draws five points critical to the long-lasting success of every marriage from the biblical story of the marriage of Isaac and Rebekah.

"Real love folds together both the emotions and the will," writes Zacharias. "Without the emotions, marriage is a drudgery; without the will, it is a mockery." Building upon that foundational truth, Zacharias goes on to explain the principles of seeking the counsel of others when finding a mate, cherishing your partner, remaining pure, becoming a man or woman of prayer, and, finally, risking everything in a relationship in order to experience God's ideal for love.

Couples everywhere, from those about to be married, to those who have been married for decades, will draw strength and wisdom for the journey of marriage as they learn from Ravi what it means to move from romance to lasting love.

Monday, September 21, 2015

New book - The Last Words of Jesus from The Cross

Title: Listen to Him! The Last Words of Jesus from The Cross
Author: Bobby EK Sng
Call number: 132 SNG

The seven sayings of Jesus from the cross were not the despairing cries of a dying man; nor were they fortuitously recorded by the evangelists … The sayings reveal to us the innermost thoughts of Jesus as he was about to die. They help us to understand more fully the nature of the gospel. They are also intended to touch our hearts and move us to act.

Friday, September 18, 2015

New book - The Call to Serve

Title: The Call to Serve
Author: Lim K Tham
Call number: 201 LIM

The Call to Serve is based on a series of sermons that aim to inspire us to answer God’s call to serve, while giving encouragement to those already in the harness. Author Lim K Tham, in his simple and measured style, challenges readers to hearken God’s call to holy living and humble service. He first provides an overarching view of the idea of calling and the need to consecrate ourselves before pointing out principles and practical ways of serving Jesus — even during storms and difficulties.

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

New book on Worship

Title: Worship: A Practical Guide
Author: Jeffrey A. Truscott
Call number: 241 TRU

Worship: A Practical Guide is an ecumenical resource for worship leaders, written by a scholar with more than 10 years of teaching and worship leadership experience in Asia. It offers a biblical understanding of worship in accessible terms and draws out practical implications for Sunday worship. The meaning and structure of the Sunday service is at the center of the discussion. The chapters on ritual, culture, music and time will especially enhance the reader’s appreciation for the richness of Christian worship. Asian Christians of diverse traditions will find this work enlightening and helpful for ministry.

Thursday, September 10, 2015

New book on the Christian Response to Euthanasia

Title: The Right to Die? A Christian Response to Euthanasia
Author: Roland Chia
Call number: 202 CHI

Euthanasia has been hotly debated over the years because it forms part of a complex of ethical issues relating to the end of human life, all of which are worthy of attention. This book provides an exposition of the position of the National Council of Churches of Singapore (NCCS) on euthanasia. It serves as a primer for pastors, church leaders and Christians who wish to understand the Christian response to this important issue.

Part One defines euthanasia, analyses the different types of euthanasia and gives a brief history of euthanasia. Part Two presents the NCCS’ case against euthanasia. Finally, in Part Three, the possible impact that legalised euthanasia may have on our society is examined.

Monday, September 7, 2015

New book on the ethics of Interspecies Research

Title: Hybrids, Cybrids and Chimeras: The Ethics of Interspecies Research
Author: Roland Chia
Call number: 202 CHI

In September 2010, the Bioethics Advisory Committee (BAC) of Singapore published a report entitled ‘Human-Animal Combination in Stem Cell Research’ which recommends certain forms of chimera research, especially the creation of cytoplasmic hybrid embryos. Interspecies research, which involves the mixing of human and animal genetic materials, is attractive because of its potential benefits to genetic science and medicine.

How should Christians respond to such research? Commissioned by the National Council of Churches in Singapore, Hybrids, Cybrids, and Chimeras explores the theological and ethical implications of interspecies research from a Christian perspective.

Thursday, September 3, 2015

New book - Laws of the Heart

Title: Laws of the Heart: The Ten Commandments for Christian Living
Author: Roland Chia
Call number: 201 CHI

Christians sometimes fail to understand what the Ten Commandments are all about. The Ten Commandments should not be reduced to a list of do’s and don’ts. Their true purpose and meaning can only be understood when they are located in the covenant of grace that God has established with His people. They have to do with attitudes, and the dispositions of the heart. They have to do with our relationship with God.

In this book, which started as a series of sermons, author Roland Chia unearths from the Ten Commandments some insights for the spiritual life. These reflections provide the reader with glimpses of inexhaustible truths that will strengthen his or her faith in God.

Monday, August 31, 2015

New book - The Ethics of Human Organ Trading

Title: The Ethics of Human Organ Trading
Author: Roland Chia
Call number: 202 CHI

The issue of the legalisation of the sale of transplantable human organs was recently discussed in Singapore. Advocates of the commercialisation of human organs argue that its legalisation would significantly increase the supply of organs for life-saving transplants. This book examines the ethics of human organ sale from a Christian perspective. It also explains why the National Council of Churches of Singapore is opposed to the legalisation of human organ trading. This book will help pastors, doctors, healthcare workers and lay Christians to reflect biblically and theologically on this important and complex issue.

Thursday, August 27, 2015

New book - Biomedical Ethics and The Church

Title: Biomedical Ethics and The Church: An Introduction
Author: Roland Chia
Call number: 202 CHI

This book provides a basic theological and ethical frame-work within which Christians can responsibly reflect on issues such as cloning and the use of human stem cells for research and therapy. Although the issues relate directly to biomedical sciences and medicine, the principles delineated are relevant for evaluating other aspects of biotechnology. This book also invites the Church to engage with these important developments by helping her members understand the issues and concerns, and by being an active and responsible participant  in public debates. It is written with the conviction that Christian views on these issues can enrich public understanding of their implications and contribute to the common good of society.

Monday, August 24, 2015

New book: Faithful To The End

Title: Faithful To The End: A Preacher's Exposition of 2 Timothy
Author: Robert M Solomon
Call number: 108.2 SOL

In his last known epistle, Apostle Paul, the extraordinary missionary to the Gentiles, left a poignant reflection on the most important matters in life. As we read and meditate on 2 Timothy, we are challenged to think about the direction and destiny of our own lives. Are we in the story of Jesus or are we in the many faulty and futile stories of the world? Are we being useful to the King of kings or are we wasting our lives in something transient and puny when measured against eternity? These questions and more come to us from Paul’s epistle and have to be answered in each of our hearts.

Robert Solomon’s passion for biblical exposition helps us plumb the depths of God’s Word and let it cast its search lights on our lives so that we are taught, rebuked, corrected, and trained in righteousness (2 Timothy 3:16).

So read on to discover how you can remain faithful to the end.

Thursday, August 20, 2015

New book - Boundless Love

Title: Boundless Love: Why God Became A Man
Author: Robert M Solomon
Call number: 132 SOL

Christmas is nothing less than the pivotal event of history. “Because I live, you also will live,” the One in the manger would declare—and prove it by giving up and taking back His life.

Through this day the human race would see God’s salvation, and the healing, forgiveness and transformation it brought would change the world forever. In Boundless Love, doctor, theologian and pastor Robert Solomon reveals what it took for the Maker to be made man, why He made that journey… and the incredible truths it opens up for everyone on earth.

Monday, August 17, 2015

New book - A Feast for the Soul

Title: A Feast for the Soul: Growing in Holiness
Author: Robert M Solomon
Call number: 201 SOL

A Feast for the Soul is a second compilation of Bishop Robert M Solomon’s series of 52 weekly devotional reflections that provides Bible-based, thought-provoking insights, covering everyday issues in our lives such as relating with God, nurturing the inner life and making disciples.

Friday, August 14, 2015

New book - Every Good Endeavour

Title: Every Good Endeavour: Connecting Your Work to God's Plan for the World
Author: Timothy Keller
Call number: 204 KEL

In today's increasingly competitive and insecure economic environment, we often question the reason for work: why am I doing this? Why is it so hard? And what can I do about it? Work may seem just a means to an end: we do it to earn the money to enjoy life outside the workplace. Here, Timothy Keller argues that God's plan is radically more ambitious: he actually created us to work. We are to work together to make the world a better place, to help each other, and so to find purpose for our lives. Our faith should enhance our work, and our work should develop our faith.With deep insight, Timothy Keller draws on essential and relevant biblical wisdom to address our questions about work. There is grace available if we have taken the wrong attitude, idolising money and using our careers to glorify ourselves rather than God. This book provides the foundations for a work-life balance where we can thrive both personally and professionally. Keller shows how through excellence, integrity, discipline, creativity and passion in the workplace we can impact society for good. Developing a better attitude to work releases us to serve others humbly, to worship God everyday, and leaves us deeply fulfilled.

Sunday, August 9, 2015

New book - The Marriage You've Always Wanted

Title: The Marriage You've Always Wanted
Author: Gary Chapman
Call number: 249.4 CHA

Respected marriage counselor Gary Chapman looks at the key issues that will help you build the marriage you've always wanted, answering such real-life questions as . . .
  • Why won't they change?
  • Why do we always fight about tasks and responsibilities?
  • Why should we have to work at sex?
In the warm, practical style that has endeared him to audiences worldwide, Dr. Chapman delivers advice on all the "big issues" of: Money, Communication, Decision making, In-laws and much more.

Each chapter includes a "Your Turn" opportunity for reflection and interaction with bewteen spouses.

Discover the "joy potential" in your marriage and your "ministry potential" for God!

Friday, August 7, 2015

New book - What's the Difference?

Title: What's the Difference?: Manhood and Womanhood Defined According to the Bible
Author: John Piper
Call number: 130.1 PIP

The topic of manhood and womanhood is still strongly debated today and still greatly impacts our society. For Christians there is no doubt that the Bible must be the last word. But what does it teach about true manhood and womanhood? In what ways are men and women essentially the same? In what ways are they essentially different? And how do these differences affect our roles in the home, the church, and the wider society?

Noted pastor, author, and Bible scholar John Piper positively and sensitively looks at these important questions for both men and women. His conclusions will inspire and encourage you to live out your unique differences in a fulfilling, godly way.

Sunday, August 2, 2015

New book - The One Year Book of Hymns

Title: The One Year Book of Hymns
Authors:  William J. Peterson and Robert K. Brown
Call number: 242 PET

This is a book of devotional readings based on Great Hymns of the Faith. An enjoyable way to worship the Lord. Focusing on God and his song-inspiring attributes, each devotional features the words of a hymn and an accompanying meditation based on the content of the hymn.

Monday, July 27, 2015

New book - How to Read the Bible

Title: How to Read the Bible
Author: Dr Mary WJ Tay
Call number: 136 TAY

How to Read the Bible is written for those who are keen to discover the basics of the Christian faith through reading the Bible, and for those who have become Christians but need some guidance on how to go about reading God’s Manual for Life. Simple, concise yet substantial, this user-friendly book aims to help such readers understand the Bible so that they may obey the instructions contained in it. It inspires us to come to God, hear His words and put them into practice.

Friday, July 24, 2015

New book - The Sermon of Jesus

Title: The Sermon of Jesus: The Kingdom of God, a Darwinian Jungle and a Theatrical Church
Author: Robert M Solomon
Call number: 108.1 SOL

The Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5-7) has historically occupied a prominent place in Christian teaching and pulpit preaching, though it tends to be neglected in the modern church. In this book, Dr Robert Solomon presents a fresh exposition of the Sermon that helps to recover its importance. Through this Sermon Jesus introduces the principles, priorities and patterns of life in His kingdom that challenge the unreliable and deceptive ways of the world and expose the weaknesses in the church. This is no ordinary Preacher, and no ordinary sermon.

Jesus urges listeners to make clear and lasting decisions as He invites them to live under His rule in His kingdom. In outlining the secrets of the truly blessed life, this timely book mines the rich biblical wisdom of the ages, and offers new insights and application in the marketplace, family and church.

Monday, July 20, 2015

New book - Life Without Limits

Title: Life Without Limits
Author: Nick Vujicic
Call number: 267.1 VUJ

Life Without Limits is an inspiring book by an extraordinary man. Born without arms or legs, Nick Vujicic overcame his disability to live not just independently but a rich, fulfilling life, becoming a model for anyone seeking true happiness. Now an internationally successful motivational speaker, his central message is that the most important goal for anyone is to find their life’s purpose despite whatever difficulties or seemingly impossible odds stand in their way.

Nick tells the story of his physical disabilities and the emotional battle he endured trying to deal with them as a child, a teen, and a young adult. “For the longest, loneliest time, I wondered if there was anyone on earth like me, and whether there was any purpose to my life other than pain and humiliation.” He shares how his faith in God has been his central source of strength and explains that once he found his own sense of purpose—inspiring others to make their lives and the world better — he found the confidence to build a rewarding and productive life without limits.

Nick offers practical advice for realizing a life of fulfillment and happiness by building trust in others, developing supportive relationships, and gaining strength for the journey. He encourages the reader by showing how he learned to accept what he could not control and focus instead on what he could.

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

New book - Why Jesus?

Title: Why Jesus?: Rediscovering His Truth in an Age of Mass Marketed Spirituality
Author: Ravi Zacharias
Call number: 132 ZAC

We are facing one of the greatest crises in the history of religion. Truth is being cast aside in the name of tolerance and cultural relativism, all under the guise of a New Spirituality. Having become accustomed to abundance and the bliss of multiple choices, we now have a spiritual supermarket before us from which we may select whatever form of spirituality we desire. But tragically we often choose without knowing how to make a distinction between truth and falsehood. In this brilliant and compelling critique of the dangers of the New Spirituality, Christian apologist Ravi Zacharias applies some vigorous therapy to counter this assault on rational thought and shows why the uniqueness of Jesus matters.

Thursday, July 2, 2015

New book - God Songs

Title: God Songs: How to Write and Select Songs for Worship
Author: Paul Baloche, Jimmy & Carol Owens
Call number: 242 BAL

This instructional book by songwriters Paul Baloche and Jimmy and Carol Owens covers basic songwriting principles like how to develop a song after inspiration comes, 30 characteristics that make a song memorable, 16 shared qualities of great worship songs and 12 keys to unlock writer's block. You will also learn how to gain the listener's attention quickly, find fresh ways of expressing worship and choose just the right words. God Songs also contains advice on how to make your song its best before releasing it, how to get your songs heard and used by others, and ways to minister most effectively with your music. Song stories and advice from writers and publishers such as Darlene Zschech, Chris Tomlin, Matt Redman, Bart Millard, Craig Dunnagan and Rita Baloche are also included.

Sunday, June 21, 2015

New book - Apprenticed to Jesus

Title: Apprenticed to Jesus: Learning from Him, Living Like Him
Author: Robert M Solomon
Call number: 201 SOL

As the followers of Jesus, we are called to be His disciples — a word that speaks of travelling and working alongside the Master and learning from Him. Many ancient traditions feature the master-disciple relationship, in which a teacher grooms his students to be like himself. In this clear and insightful new book, Methodist Bishop Emeritus Robert Solomon shows how we can live as Jesus’ disciples today, hearing His voice, obeying Him and leaving a legacy for others to follow.

Drawing from Scripture, church history and the lives of fellow disciples both past and present, Apprenticed to Jesus shines a light on many questions surrounding the Christian’s relationship with the Lord, and will help readers to better hear, follow and live like Him in every part of life’s journey.

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Christianity Today: December 2014 issue now in the library

This month's issue includes articles on:
  • (COVER STORY) Pop Francis: Why Everyone Loves the Pope. From secular journalists to charismatic Christians, millions are taken with the Jesuit from Argentina
  • Gordon College under fire
  • My Boring Christian Testimony - How I know it's nonetheless real

The online version can also be found at this link

Monday, April 20, 2015

New book - The Enduring Word

Title: The Enduring Word: The Authority and Reliability of the Bible
Author: Robert M Solomon
Call number: 105 SOL

The Bible is the most important book in the world because it is God’s Word. But its authority and reliability have been questioned by some who point out that we do not have the original manuscripts today. We only have copies of the manuscripts and there are thousands of variations in these copies, which also contain copyist errors. To add to that, so many different versions of the Bible are used today. How then can we be confident that what we read in the Bible today is indeed the Word of God?

The Enduring Word sheds light on these and other questions by demystifying issues such as the canon, biblical manuscripts, textual variations, base texts and Bible translation. Discover how the Bible was written thousands of years ago, compiled to form the Bible as we now know it and preserved till today in various translations and versions. Written in a thought-provoking yet easy-to-understand manner, the book aims to inform readers and strengthen their confidence in the authority and reliability of the Bible. Be enlightened about the Word of God and be inspired to read it seriously and obey it wholly.

Monday, April 6, 2015

New book - The Conscience

Title: The Conscience: Rediscovering the Inner Compass
Author: Robert M Solomon
Call number: 201 SOL

Though the conscience is a universal reality, it is increasingly forgotten in discussions, even in church. The Conscience enlightens the reader on the nature and functions of the conscience. It comprehensively examines what the Bible actually teaches about the conscience and what roles it plays in the experience of salvation and spiritual formation. Discover how the church can minister to the conscience through teaching, modelling and healing as Bishop Robert Solomon analyses the role of the conscience in key areas of our lives: the family, workplace, and the public square.

Monday, March 30, 2015

New book - Following Jesus in a Fallen World

Title: Following Jesus in a Fallen World
Author: Robert M Solomon
Call number: 201 SOL

At the heart of Christian discipleship is the call to follow Jesus. This book examines in depth what is involved in following Jesus in a sinful and dysfunctional world by exploring 13 key spiritual disciplines. A section is devoted to each discipline; it begins with an introduction and contains chapters that explore various aspects. At the end of each chapter are questions for personal reflection or group discussion. Designed to help the reader to think more deeply and live more faithfully, this insightful and soul-nourishing book will strengthen your faith, encourage you in moments of despair and inspire you to live for God.