Friday, January 29, 2016

New book - The Roaring Lion: An Exposition of Amos

Title: The Roaring Lion: An Exposition of Amos
Author: Paul A Barker
Call number: 107 BAR

‘Surely the Lord God does nothing, without revealing his secret to his servants the prophets. The lion has roared; who will not fear? The Lord God has spoken; who can but prophesy?’

Thus said the prophet Amos, who spoke God’s truth to a wealthy but decadent Israel. In all their prosperity, they had complacently forgotten God and lived in a way that profaned his Name. God does not only speak kindly and gently; now he roars through Amos’ warnings, meant to stir them to repentance before his judgement came upon them.

Amos did not only speak to a bygone age. In this expository book on the prophet’s message, Bible scholar Dr Paul Barker reveals how Amos shaped his prophecies to awaken an entire nation, and shows readers that his words are still as relevant as ever. You will learn how, in the light of Jesus’ death and resurrection, these warnings are to be understood, heeded and lived out in the world today.

Monday, January 25, 2016

New book - Jesus the Storyteller

Title: Jesus the Storyteller: Hearing the Parables Afresh Today
Author: Lim Kar Yong
Call number: 108.1 LIM

Storytelling is a tool used by Jesus to address the disciples, the crowd, the religious authorities and many individuals who approached him. These stories or parables are not randomly drawn from the daily experiences of Palestinian culture but told with a purpose. What then was the purpose of the parables of Jesus? How did the parables function in the teaching of Jesus? How were they presented in the Gospels? How can we be awakened anew to the radical message of the parables as followers of Jesus today?

In Jesus the Storyteller, Rev Dr Lim Kar Yong not only guides the readers to a deeper understanding of the parables of Jesus, but also offers contextualised homiletical ideas for pastors and preachers, and provides probing questions for further reflection and study.

Sunday, January 24, 2016

New book - The Unequal Yoke

Title: The Unequal Yoke: When Two May Not Walk Together
Author: David W F Wong
Call number: 249.41 WON

In marriage, husband and wife are yoked together. For such a bond, Scripture warns Christian believers not to be ‘unequally yoked’ with non-believers (2 Corinthians 6:14). Such a marriage will be weakened, strained or even break apart.

But love can take us by surprise, and some Christians do end up in the unequal yoke with non-Christians. In this insightful new book drawing from both Scripture and practical experience, pastor David Wong reveals the causes and consequences of such a union, and why the dangers may not be obvious to the couple at first. This is followed by a clear exposition of the biblical view of marriage, as a guide for such couples and their loved ones to act in love when two may not walk together.

Monday, January 18, 2016

New book - Is Your Church Ready?

Title: Is Your Church Ready?: Motivating Leaders To Live An Apologetic Life
Authors: Ravi Zacharias and Norman Geisler
Call number: 262 ZAC

A ministry resource for motivating all Christians to become thoughtful apologists of their faith. Although apologetics is as crucial today as it has ever been, the classical model for defending the faith often seems irrelevant to the 21st century where people listen with their eyes and think with their emotions. Is Your Church Ready? Presents a team of highly qualified Christian thinkers―including Ravi Zacharias, John Guest, Jay Budziszewski, Judy Salisbury, Dean Halverson, and Peter Grant ― who build a case for the place of apologetics in the local church, home, and school. Using personal examples and illustrations they address: • How to answer objections to Christianity • How to equip children in the home and prepare youth to remain committed to Christ after they leave for college • How to reach international students and the foreign-born. Included are discussion questions and a “Church Leaders Resource Guide” to the best books, articles, organizations, and websites on the subject.

Sunday, January 10, 2016

New book - God Is Closer Than You Think

Title: God Is Closer Than You Think
Author: John Ortberg
Call number: 201 ORT

Intimacy with God can happen right now if you want it. A closeness you can feel, a goodness you can taste, a reality you can experience for yourself. That’s what the Bible promises, so why settle for less? God is closer than you think, and connecting with him isn’t just for monks and ascetics. It’s for business people, high school students, busy moms, single men, single women … and most important, it’s for YOU.

God Is Closer Than You Think shows how you can enjoy a vibrant, moment-by-moment relationship with your heavenly Father. Bestselling author John Ortberg reveals the face of God waiting to be discovered in the complex mosaic of your life. He shows you God’s hand stretching toward you. And, with his gift for storytelling, Ortberg illustrates the ways you can reach toward God and complete the connection ― to your joy and his.

Monday, January 4, 2016

New book - Just Like Jesus

Title: Just Like Jesus
Author: Max Lucado
Call number: 201 LUC

In his best-selling book Just Like Jesus, Max Lucado explains that God loves you just the way you are . . . but He refuses to leave you that way. Why? Because our ultimate goal should be a life that is just like Jesus. And with determination, faith, and God's help, we can all change for the better, no matter how long the bad habits have settled in.