Title: Auto-B-Good: Towing the Line: The Classics - Vol. 5
Call number: DVD[C] AUT
Join the cars as they fill up their tanks with life-changing lessons on promptness, readiness and respect. With 3 brand-new music videos wrapping up each story and a bonus episode on self-discipline and punctuality, children will gain the fuel they need for life.
Episode 1 - Picture Perfect (Promptness)
Everyone loves a parade! It takes a lot of planning, preparation and a photograph of the group... but the perfect mud puddle just might mess up their plans.
Music video: Right On Time
Episode 2 - Moving Forward Together (Readiness)
It's the day of the big parade! The group's hard work and effort comes down to this... but is Derek prepared, or will he let the air out of everyone's balloon?
Music video: Armor
Episode 3 - Red Card to Respect (Respect)
EJ is tied for the soccer league's lead in goals - with only one more needed to pull ahead! Will his "trash talking" put his goals at risk?
Music video: The Golden Rule
Bonus episode - Road Rage (Self-Discipline)
Johnny's perfect summer plan involves joining the Auto Stunt Thrill Team! He thinks being fast and fearless is all it takes, but finds that discipline is needed to direct his built-in skills.
Bonus episode - Timely Treats (Punctuality)
It's Izzi's birthday! To celebrate, everyone is going to see her favorite movie... but will Johnny's dawdling cause Izzi to miss her own celebration?
Call number: DVD[C] AUT
Join the cars as they fill up their tanks with life-changing lessons on promptness, readiness and respect. With 3 brand-new music videos wrapping up each story and a bonus episode on self-discipline and punctuality, children will gain the fuel they need for life.
Episode 1 - Picture Perfect (Promptness)
Everyone loves a parade! It takes a lot of planning, preparation and a photograph of the group... but the perfect mud puddle just might mess up their plans.
Music video: Right On Time
Episode 2 - Moving Forward Together (Readiness)
It's the day of the big parade! The group's hard work and effort comes down to this... but is Derek prepared, or will he let the air out of everyone's balloon?
Music video: Armor
Episode 3 - Red Card to Respect (Respect)
EJ is tied for the soccer league's lead in goals - with only one more needed to pull ahead! Will his "trash talking" put his goals at risk?
Music video: The Golden Rule
Bonus episode - Road Rage (Self-Discipline)
Johnny's perfect summer plan involves joining the Auto Stunt Thrill Team! He thinks being fast and fearless is all it takes, but finds that discipline is needed to direct his built-in skills.
Bonus episode - Timely Treats (Punctuality)
It's Izzi's birthday! To celebrate, everyone is going to see her favorite movie... but will Johnny's dawdling cause Izzi to miss her own celebration?
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