Monday, December 28, 2015

New book - The Call to Lead

Title: The Call to Lead: Following Jesus and Living Out Your Mission
Authors: Bill Hybels, John Ortberg, Dan Allender
Call number: 262 HYB

Modern business practice and scholarship have honed the laws of the leadership. To achieve success, you're supposed to — among other things — leverage your time, choose a strong team, and avoid unnecessary controversy.

But what do you do when the laws of leadership collide with the teachings of Christ? What would it mean to reveal your true character to those you lead? What would it take for you to take an honest look at yourself and ask, “Am I leading from my mission … or my shadow mission?”

Using stories from their own lives and ministries, Bill Hybels, John Ortberg, and Dan Allender illustrate how the laws of leadership sometimes crash head-on into the demands of discipleship, and how the decisions you make at these crossroads could affect not only you, but the destiny of those you lead.

The Call to Lead includes the previous releases from the Leadership Library series: When Leadership and Discipleship Collide, by Bill Hybels, Overcoming Your Shadow Mission, by John Ortberg, and Leading Character from Dan Allender.

Friday, December 18, 2015

New book - Facing Your Giants

Title: Facing Your Giants
Author: Max Lucado
Call number: 201 LUC

You know your Goliath. You recognize his walk, the thunder of his voice.

He taunts you with bills you can't pay, people you can't please, habits you can't break, failures you can't forget, and a future you can't face. But just like David, you can face your giant, even if you aren't the strongest, the smartest, the best equipped, of the holiest.

David. You could read his story and wonder what God saw in him. His life has little to offer the unstained, straight-A saint. He fell as often as he stood, stumbled as often as he conquered. But for those who know the sound of Goliath, David gives this reminder:

Focus on giants -- you stumble; focus on God -- your giants tumble.

If you're ready to face your giants, let his story inspire you. The same God who helped him will help you.

Monday, December 14, 2015

New book - Grace: More Than We Deserve, Greater Than We Imagine

Title: Grace: More Than We Deserve, Greater Than We Imagine
Author: Max Lucado
Call number: 201 LUC


We talk as though we understand the term. The bank gives us a "grace" period. The seedy politician falls from "grace." Musicians speak of a "grace" note. We describe an actress as "gracious," a dancer as "graceful." We use the word for hospitals, baby girls, kings, and premeal prayers. We talk as though we know what "grace" means.

But bestselling author Max Lucado says we've settled for a wimpy grace, a goldfish grace that sits in a bowl on the shelf and never causes trouble or demands a response.

Lucado's bestselling book reminds readers that there's more to grace than we've ever imagined. In this cornerstone message of Lucado's ministry, he challenges readers to not only receive grace but also to be changed by grace. Shaped by grace. Strengthened by grace. Emboldened by grace. Softened by grace. Snatched by the nape of their neck and shaken to their senses by grace.

Friday, December 11, 2015

New book - Next Door Savior

Title: Next Door Savior
Author: Max Lucado
Call number: 132 LUC

We applaud men for doing good things.

We enshrine God for doing great things.

But what about a man who does God things?

One thing is certain. We can't ignore him. If these moments are factual, if the claim of Christ is actual, then he was, at once, man and God.

The single most significant person who ever lived. Forget MVP. He is the entire league. The head of the parade? Hardly. No one else shares the street. Who comes close? Humanity's best and brightest fade like dime-store rubies next to him.

Dismiss him? We can't. Resist him? Equally difficult. Why would we want to?

Don't we need a God-man Savior? A just-God Jesus could make us, but not understand us. A just-man Jesus could love us, but never save us. But a God-man Jesus?

Near enough to touch. Strong enough to trust. A next door Savior.

Monday, December 7, 2015

New book - 3:16

Title: 3:16: The Numbers of Hope
Author: Max Lucado
Call number: 201 LUC

A twenty-six word parade of hope: beginning with God, ending with life, and urging us to do the same. Brief enough to write on a napkin or memorize in a moment, yet solid enough to weather two thousand years of storms and questions. If you know nothing of the Bible, start here. If you know everything in the Bible, return here. We all need the reminder. The heart of the human problem is the heart of the human. And God's treatment is prescribed in John 3:16:

For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son that whosoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.

He loves. He gave. We believe. We live.

Friday, December 4, 2015

New book - When God Whispers Your Name

Title: When God Whispers Your Name
Author: Max Lucado
Call number: 201 LUC

Are you ready to hope again? Are you ready to let go of doubt and sorrow? Just listen carefully. God is whispering your name.

Somewhere, between the pages of this book and the pages of your heart, God is speaking. And He is calling you by name.

Maybe that's hard to believe. Maybe you just can't imagine that the One who made it all thinks of you that personally -- that He keeps your name on His heart and lips.

But it's true. In the Bible and in the circumstances of your life, He whispers your name lovingly. Tenderly. Patiently but persistently. Let these stories remind you of the God who knows your name.

Some of the stories are from the Bible. Some are drawn from everyday life. Most are about people who are lost ... or weary ... or discouraged -- just like you may be. If you let them, they will tell the story of your life. And the story of a God who speaks into your situation.

So listen closely as you turn these pages. Listen for the Father's gentle whisper that can erase your doubt, your sorrow, your weariness, your despair.

It really is your name that you hear, and the Voice that calls is more loving that your ever dared dream. Listen. And learn to hope again.