Title: The Roaring Lion: An Exposition of Amos
Author: Paul A Barker
Call number: 107 BAR
‘Surely the Lord God does nothing, without revealing his secret to his servants the prophets. The lion has roared; who will not fear? The Lord God has spoken; who can but prophesy?’
Thus said the prophet Amos, who spoke God’s truth to a wealthy but decadent Israel. In all their prosperity, they had complacently forgotten God and lived in a way that profaned his Name. God does not only speak kindly and gently; now he roars through Amos’ warnings, meant to stir them to repentance before his judgement came upon them.
Amos did not only speak to a bygone age. In this expository book on the prophet’s message, Bible scholar Dr Paul Barker reveals how Amos shaped his prophecies to awaken an entire nation, and shows readers that his words are still as relevant as ever. You will learn how, in the light of Jesus’ death and resurrection, these warnings are to be understood, heeded and lived out in the world today.
Author: Paul A Barker
Call number: 107 BAR
‘Surely the Lord God does nothing, without revealing his secret to his servants the prophets. The lion has roared; who will not fear? The Lord God has spoken; who can but prophesy?’
Thus said the prophet Amos, who spoke God’s truth to a wealthy but decadent Israel. In all their prosperity, they had complacently forgotten God and lived in a way that profaned his Name. God does not only speak kindly and gently; now he roars through Amos’ warnings, meant to stir them to repentance before his judgement came upon them.
Amos did not only speak to a bygone age. In this expository book on the prophet’s message, Bible scholar Dr Paul Barker reveals how Amos shaped his prophecies to awaken an entire nation, and shows readers that his words are still as relevant as ever. You will learn how, in the light of Jesus’ death and resurrection, these warnings are to be understood, heeded and lived out in the world today.