Title: Giving: Unlocking the Heart of Good Stewardship
Authors: John Ortberg, Laurie Pederson and Judson Poling
Call number: 122 ORT
Jesus said more about money than just about any other topic. Clearly, it is an important issue - and a touchy one! Deep down, we know it is not a matter of what we earn but how we manage what we earn that shows our ultimate priorities.
Giving demonstrates how good stewardship is more than a responsibility - it's an adventure. As you study the connection between your wallet and your heart, you'll learn how money management is a powerful tool for shaping your character. You'll discover how giving is as much a part of spiritual growth as prayer and Bible study. And you'll learn about the rewards of cultivating wise financial habits and a generous heart. Above all, you'll find out how a lifestyle of giving reflects the heart of God, who freely gives his best to you.
Leader's guide included!
Giving group sessions are:
Authors: John Ortberg, Laurie Pederson and Judson Poling
Call number: 122 ORT
Jesus said more about money than just about any other topic. Clearly, it is an important issue - and a touchy one! Deep down, we know it is not a matter of what we earn but how we manage what we earn that shows our ultimate priorities.
Giving demonstrates how good stewardship is more than a responsibility - it's an adventure. As you study the connection between your wallet and your heart, you'll learn how money management is a powerful tool for shaping your character. You'll discover how giving is as much a part of spiritual growth as prayer and Bible study. And you'll learn about the rewards of cultivating wise financial habits and a generous heart. Above all, you'll find out how a lifestyle of giving reflects the heart of God, who freely gives his best to you.
Leader's guide included!
Giving group sessions are:
- Money: Why Is It So Important to God?
- The Open Hands of God
- Tithing: A Training Exercise for the Heart
- Behind the Scenes of Debt
- What Is a Biblical Lifestyle?
- Cultivating a Heart of Compassion
- The Chance of a Lifetime