Monday, August 26, 2019

New book: Sound Doctrine by Bobby Jamieson

Sound Doctrine: How a Church Grows in the Love and Holiness of God by Bobby Jamieson - Sound doctrine is the life-blood of God's people, providing the foundation for the church's unity and witness. From shaping the corporate life of the church to directing individuals in the practical issues of life, right thinking about God, humanity, sin, and salvation is indispensable for real growth. This short, readable book speaks to the importance of good theology for godly living and powerfully argues that truth is always meant to lead to transformation.

Book information:
Title: Sound Doctrine: How a Church Grows in the Love and Holiness of God
Author: Bobby Jamieson
Call number: 261 JAM

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

New book: The Gospel by Ray Ortlund

The Gospel: How the Church Portrays the Beauty of Christ by Ray Ortlund - How does the church portray the beauty of Christ?

The gospel is a theological message. But this message also creates human beauty--beautiful relationships in our churches, making the glory of Christ visible in the world today.

In this timely book, Pastor Ray Ortlund makes the case that gospel doctrine creates a gospel culture. In too many of our churches, it is the beauty of a gospel culture that is the missing piece of the puzzle. But when the gospel is allowed to exert its full power, a church becomes radiant with the glory of Christ.

Book information:
Title: The Gospel: How the Church Portrays the Beauty of Christ
Author: Ray Ortlund
Call number: 132 ORT

Friday, August 16, 2019

New book: Evangelism by J. Mack Stiles

Evangelism: How the Whole Church Speaks of Jesus by J. Mack Stiles - Evangelism is more than a program.

Every few years, churches jump into the latest evangelistic fad. Leaders administrate the new program, and members go on a raid. But picture a church where evangelism is just part of the culture. Leaders share their faith consistently and openly. Members follow, encouraging one another to make evangelism an ongoing way of life.

Such is the way of evangelism presented by this brief and compelling book. No program here. Instead, it just might give your church a new way to live and share the gospel together.

Book information:
Title: Evangelism: How the Whole Church Speaks of Jesus
Author: J. Mack Stiles
Call number: 264 STI

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

New book: Biblical Theology by Nick Roark and Robert Cline

Biblical Theology: How the Church Faithfully Teaches the Gospel by Nick Roark and Robert Cline - Throughout the history of the church, Christians have always had to contend with the influence of unbiblical teachings related to God, humanity, and salvation. One of the most important safeguards against all forms of heresy is a robust appreciation for biblical theology--reading the Bible in a way that takes into account the whole storyline of redemptive history. Exhorting pastors and other church leaders to prioritize biblical theology in their own congregations, this book explains basic principles for reading the Bible that help pastors teach the big story of the Bible from every text. Understanding the Bible in Christ-centered terms shapes the church's teaching and mission, and protects the truth of the gospel around the world.

Book information:
Title: Biblical Theology: How the Church Faithfully Teaches the Gospel
Authors: Nick Roark and Robert Cline
Call number: 130 ROA

Sunday, August 11, 2019

New book: Nine Marks of a Healthy Church by Mark Dever

Nine Marks of a Healthy Church by Mark Dever - Pastor Mark Dever's classic book is not an instruction manual for church growth. Rather, it is a wise pastor's recommendation for how to assess the health of a church using nine crucial qualities often neglected by many of today's congregations. Church leaders and church members alike will resonate with the principles outlined here, breathing new life and health into the church at large. In this newly revised edition, fresh arguments have been added (for example on expositional preaching, about the nature of the gospel, on complementarianism), illustrations have been updated, appendices have been changed, and cover has been improved.

Book information:
Title: Nine Marks of a Healthy Church
Author: Mark Dever
Call number: 261 DEV

Monday, August 5, 2019

New book: What is the Mission of the Church? by Kevin DeYoung and Greg Gilbert

What is the Mission of the Church? Making Sense of Social Justice, Shalom, and the Great Commission by Kevin DeYoung and Greg Gilbert - Christians today define mission more broadly and variably than ever before. Are we, as the body of Christ, headed in the same direction or are we on divergent missions?

Some argue that the mission of the Church is to confront injustice and alleviate suffering, doing more to express God's love for the world. Others are concerned that the church is in danger of losing its God-centeredness and thereby emphasize the proclamation of the gospel. It appears as though misunderstanding of mission persists.

Kevin DeYoung and Greg Gilbert believe there is a lot that evangelicals can agree on if only we employ the right categories and build our theology of mission from the same biblical building blocks. Explaining key concepts like kingdom, gospel, and social justice, DeYoung and Gilbert help us to get on the same page--united by a common cause--and launch us forward into the true mission of the church.

Book information:
Title: What is the Mission of the Church? Making Sense of Social Justice, Shalom, and the Great Commission
Authors: Kevin DeYoung and Greg Gilbert
Call number: 266 DEY

Friday, August 2, 2019

New book: The Hole in Our Holiness by Kevin DeYoung

The Hole in Our Holiness by Kevin DeYoung - The “hole in our holiness” is that evangelicals don’t look particularly holy, and, despite the flood of gospel-centered discussions, there seems to be a greater focus on personal depravity than on the pursuit of holiness. Looking to right the balances, Kevin DeYoung presents a popular-level treatment of sanctification and union with Christ, helping readers to see what matters most—being like Jesus. He shows how one can be like Christ in being joined to Christ. The market is ready for DeYoung’s timely book, ready to avoid legalism and ambivalence, and they are ready for someone to articulate the inextricable relationship between grace and holiness.

Book information:
Title: The Hole in Our Holiness
Author: Kevin DeYoung
Call number: 201 DEY