Title: Battle of David and Goliath: Truth or Myth?
Call number: DVD ANC
The triumph of David over Goliath – an unlikely victory celebrated as a sign of God’s strength … but did it really happen? Is it fact or legend? Was there a giant named Goliath and a real David? Did they in fact duel to the death? Could a shepherd’s sling and small stone plucked from a brook kill such a mighty warrior? A surprising demonstration will amaze you!
Title: The Fiery Furnace: Could Anyone Survive It?
Call number: DVD ANC
Three men are shoved into a white-hot brick furnace. As hungry flames hide the condemned men, an angry crowd waits for screams … that never come. Instead Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego walk out – unharmed. Could anyone survive such an ordeal? How? A computer simulation walks you into the blistering furnace with the three prisoners … but will you walk back out … without a miracle?
Title: Moses’ Ten Commandments: Tablets from God?
Call number: DVD ANC
Two stone tablets inscribed by the finger of God … disappear. Where are they now? Lost in the dust of history – or lying in a dark cavern beneath a political hotbed? And precisely where is the authentic Mount Sinai? A recent archeological expedition raises questions – and an explosive possibility …
Title: Sodom and Gomorrah: Legend or Real Event?
Call number: DVD ANC
Two cities scorched into oblivion as fire and brimstone pour down from the sky … and only one man and his family escape the disaster. “Impossible,” says critics. But recent archaeological digs say otherwise. See for yourself: Do ancient bones, pottery and ashes sifted from stony ground south of the Dead Sea have a story to tell the world today?
Title: Walls of Jericho: Did They Tumble Down?
Call number: DVD ANC
Jericho … one of the world’s oldest and most mysterious cities. Could its fortress walls suddenly collapse at a mere trumpet blast? The rushing waters of the Jordan River miraculously stop flowing to give advancing Israelites an attack route to the city? Skeptics say no … but silent witnesses recently unearthed from ancient Jericho say otherwise …
Title: Walls of Jericho: Did They Tumble Down?
Call number: DVD ANC
Jericho … one of the world’s oldest and most mysterious cities. Could its fortress walls suddenly collapse at a mere trumpet blast? The rushing waters of the Jordan River miraculously stop flowing to give advancing Israelites an attack route to the city? Skeptics say no … but silent witnesses recently unearthed from ancient Jericho say otherwise …